Please meet our team at The Granite YMCA! Together, we are a dedicated group of individuals connected by a shared passion and commitment to serving our members and strengthening the foundations of our community through youth development, healthy living, social responsibility, and family strengthening. Our association is very proud of all our team members and invites you to ask any of them for assistance to improve your Y experience.
The Granite YMCA Association Staff
The Granite YMCA Board of Directors
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker
Chief Volunteer Officer (CVO)
Deborah Blake Dempsey
Deborah Blake Dempsey
Steve Dutton
Steve Dutton
Rob Glew
Rob Glew
Immediate Past CVO
Ryan Gough
Ryan Gough
Matt Henry
Matt Henry
Kerry Houston
Kerry Houston
Helena Iaquinta
Helena Iaquinta
Donna InDelicato
Donna InDelicato
Joseph Kenney
Joseph Kenney
David Kuhn
David Kuhn
Jodi Langellotti
Jodi Langellotti
Matt Leahy
Matt Leahy
Dennis Malloy
Dennis Malloy
Laila Miller
Laila Miller
Lori Piper
Lori Piper
Bob Pliskin
Bob Pliskin
Wayne Robinson
Wayne Robinson
At-Large Executive Committee
Giselle Rodriguez
Giselle Rodriguez
Brett St. Clair
Brett St. Clair
Donald Stokes, Jr.
Donald Stokes, Jr.
Margaret Tomas
Margaret Tomas
Vice Chair
Henry Veilleux
Henry Veilleux
At-Large Executive Committee
Kellie Wardman
Kellie Wardman
The Granite YMCA of Manchester Staff
The Granite YMCA of Manchester Advisory Board
Jillian Corey
Jillian Corey
Advisory Board Chair
Nicole Cate
Nicole Cate
Shawn Dunphy
Shawn Dunphy
Jennifer Dupre
Jennifer Dupre
Jenny Everett King, MSW
Jenny Everett King, MSW
McKeea Fields
McKeea Fields
Camille Madden
Camille Madden
Volunteer Committee Chair & Membership Committee Chair
Henny Mulatre
Henny Mulatre
Becky Tetrault
Becky Tetrault
Tyler Waldrupe
Tyler Waldrupe
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker
Board Development Chair
The Granite YMCA of Goffstown Staff
The Granite YMCA of Goffstown Advisory Board
Frank Anderson
Frank Anderson
Steve Dutton
Steve Dutton
Doug Ewing
Doug Ewing
Kevin Feeney
Kevin Feeney
Bronwen Flahive
Bronwen Flahive
Megan MacDonald
Megan MacDonald
Eric Randall
Eric Randall
The Granite YMCA of Concord Staff
The Granite YMCA of Concord Advisory Board
Scott Harris
Scott Harris
Jen Kuzma
Jen Kuzma
Matt Leahy
Matt Leahy
Charlie Mathews
Charlie Mathews
Rich Parsons
Rich Parsons
Vice Chair
Jim Raymond
Jim Raymond
Kelsey Regan
Kelsey Regan
Brett St. Clair
Brett St. Clair
Margaret Tomas
Margaret Tomas
Kristyn VanOstern
Kristyn VanOstern
Beth Wilkes
Beth Wilkes
The Granite YMCA of Londonderry Staff
The Granite YMCA of Londonderry Advisory Board
Rose-Lynn Armstrong
Rose-Lynn Armstrong
Patrick Cheetham
Patrick Cheetham
Nathan Greenberg
Nathan Greenberg
Amber Iller
Amber Iller
Donna InDelicato
Donna InDelicato
Michelle LaFlamme
Michelle LaFlamme
Jaime MacFall
Jaime MacFall
Lisa Powers
Lisa Powers
Carmel Shea
Carmel Shea
Trevor Smart
Trevor Smart
The Granite YMCA of Strafford County Advisory Board
Liza Cocco
Liza Cocco
Anne Grassie
Anne Grassie
William Harbron
William Harbron
Jodi Langellotti
Jodi Langellotti
Richard Lundborn
Richard Lundborn
Past Chair
Bill Massey
Bill Massey
Vice Chair
Madyson McCarthy
Madyson McCarthy
Domingo Mohedano
Domingo Mohedano
The Granite YMCA of the Seacoast Staff
The Granite YMCA of the Seacoast Advisory Board
Rev. Celestyne Bragg
Rev. Celestyne Bragg
Andrew Bagley
Andrew Bagley
Casey Anderson
Casey Anderson
Christine Burke
Christine Burke
Javeed (Jav) Khan
Javeed (Jav) Khan
Jane King
Jane King
David Madden
David Madden
Dennis Malloy
Dennis Malloy
Christopher Matrumalo
Christopher Matrumalo
Riley McCarthy
Riley McCarthy
Cheryl Strong
Cheryl Strong
Peter Whitman
Peter Whitman
The Granite YMCA of Somersworth Staff
The Granite YMCA Overnight Camp Staff
The Granite YMCA Overnight Camp Advisory Board
Matt Henry
Matt Henry
Katie Ackermann
Katie Ackermann
Katie Archer
Katie Archer
Erin Caldwell
Erin Caldwell
Alicia Chouinard
Alicia Chouinard
Dean Farmer
Dean Farmer
Shannon Farr
Shannon Farr
Lisa Geoghegan
Lisa Geoghegan
Dan Green
Dan Green
Matt Greenberg
Matt Greenberg
Kelly Holmes
Kelly Holmes
Megan Hopkins
Megan Hopkins
Mike Jette
Mike Jette
Bruce Livingstone
Bruce Livingstone
Davis Richmond
Davis Richmond
Christa Ricker
Christa Ricker
Vice Chair